Even now he was only beginning to be aware of it.
Encara ara només començava a ser-ne conscient.
Font: Covost2
This is still the spirit of the city today.
Aquest és encara ara l’esperit de la ciutat.
Font: MaCoCu
Even now, raids are done to find buried treasures of the castle and place them in the museum.
Encara ara, es fan batudes per trobar enterrats tresors del castell i posar-los al museu.
Font: Covost2
Now despite this history of distrust, I still believe that indigenous people can benefit from genetic research.
Encara ara, malgrat aquest historial de desconfiança, crec que els pobles indígenes poden beneficiar-se de la investigació genètica.
Font: TedTalks
Even today, they still make a special liquid to spread on furniture and visitors come from all over Majorca to buy it.
Encara ara fabriquen un líquid especial per untar els mobles i reben visites de tot Mallorca per comprar-lo.
Font: MaCoCu
On the other hand, even now, the excessive regulation and the endless administrative procedures put a brake on and discourage investment opportunities.
Per contra, encara ara, l’excessiva regulació i la infinita tramitació administrativa suposen un fre i desincentiven les oportunitats d’inversió.
Font: MaCoCu
Perhaps it is because of this that the ancients showed us the path by means of stone pyramids which we are still unable to build ourselves.
Potser per això els antics ens assenyalaven el camí mitjançant unes piràmides de pedra que encara ara som incapaços de reproduir.
Font: MaCoCu
On this occasion, by means of a popular-culture magazine for women, Elvira raises questions that still come at us today.
Aquesta vegada, mitjançant una revista de cultura popular, dedicada a la dona, Elvira proposa unes qüestions que encara ara ens continuen colpint.
Font: MaCoCu
This consensus still seems to exist.
Aquest consens sembla que existeix encara ara.
Font: Europarl
Of all the women that reached out to me, almost none are still today working in their chosen profession, and that is outrageous.
De totes les dones que m’han contactat, n’hi ha molt poques que encara ara treballin en l’àmbit que desitgen. I això és indignant.
Font: TedTalks
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